UME News
December 2023
Issue 8
The Bible tells us that seasons are ordained by God: seasons related to the climate, but also seasons in life. The great book of wisdom, Ecclesiastes, talks about a season for everything: birth, death, tearing down, building up, crying, laughing, lamenting, and cheering. While seasons change, God does not - and I’m so grateful.
September 2023
Issue 7
Connection is important in this fragmented world. The Bible teaches the importance of relationships, whether it’s connecting more deeply with our spouse or being with likeminded people who value marriage. Amos 3:3 asks the question, “Can two walk together without agreeing on the direction?” In our marriages, communication is critical for the husband and wife to connect and walk in the same direction. Here are some Weekend concepts represented in the acrostic C.O.N.N.E.C.T.
June 2023
Issue 6
“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. ” I think many of us have sung this song but do we really take to heart the messaging? John 1:5 states, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” God is the light of the world and can overcome any darkness!
March 2023
Issue 5
Congratulations to our community in Australia on celebrating their 10-year anniversary with a fun-filled Valentine’s/Gatsby Night this February. This event was at least a year in the making and delayed due to COVID, but at long last, the community enjoyed the fruits of its labors and got to paaaarty! And party they did, by the looks of it! The world may try to stand in the way of God’s plans, but He will have His way in the end! We can rest—and celebrate—assured of this!